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5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Written by Torrey Hills Dental

Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Does your child avoid eating fruits and vegetables? Do they do everything they can to avoid bedtime, asking for glass after glass of water long before you tucked them in? These are common concerns for most any parent, along with frustrations when ensuring children are taking good care of their oral health and wellness. Brushing and flossing for children can be a battle every day, but the team at Torrey Hills Dental in San Diego, California wants to help! We educate parents on ways to make brushing and flossing fun and easy, ensuring kids get the dental care they need. Along with routine evaluations and teeth cleaning treatments in the office, brushing and flossing at home can make a dramatic impact on the health and appearance of the smile. But how do you get children to brush and floss without the fight? Below are just a few recommendations from our dentists, Drs. James P. Tasto and Brian C. Tasto of Torrey Hills Dental.

Five fun ways to teach your kids to brush their teeth

Take the battle out of oral health care with the following tips recommended by the team at Torrey Hills Dental:

  1. Put on music. Everyone should be brushing for two minutes each time. Find a song or two that meets the two-minute mark and play them when your children brush their teeth. They can dance while brushing to ensure they keep their smiles healthy!
  2. Change toothpaste. Using the same toothpaste can be monotonous for many children, so buy different flavors and change it up regularly.
  3. Be a good role model. Children watch their parents closely, so now is the time to be a good role model for your little ones. Brush and floss after every meal as well to show your children how important it is to maintain a healthy smile. Walk your children through every step of brushing and flossing so they can learn how to do it correctly.
  4. Use rewards to encourage good oral health habits. When children brush their teeth, provide them with a reward. This can be done each time they brush, or you can create a chart and give them a sticker each time they brush or floss. They can earn a larger prize or reward such as a special toy or a fun activity with Mom and Dad.
  5. Schedule your pediatric dental visits with your children. We encourage parents to book a dental checkup and cleaning alongside their children to have the entire family treated during a single visit. Children watching their parents get a cleaning will be more interested and intrigued in maintaining their own oral health and wellness.


Even if you have tried these methods and are still having battles with your children over brushing and flossing, it may be time to speak to a dentist in Carmel Valley to determine if there are some other approaches that might work better for your child or children. We can educate patients on other tips and recommendations to make brushing and flossing fun!

Visit our dentists in Carmel Valley

San Diego, California area families are welcome to book an appointment with Drs. James P. Tasto and Brian C. Tasto to learn more about ways to make brushing fun for children! Call the office at (858) 258-9587 to request a consultation visit at 4765 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite #101. The team at Torrey Hills Dental is open to new and current patients and families in the community, and can help in making a dramatic difference in one’s oral health and wellness. Give us a call today to learn more about adult and kids dental care services available.

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