Dental Emergencies: When to Call Your Dentist

Dental Emergencies

As a quality dental practice in the San Diego, CA community, we routinely receive phone calls from patients who need immediate dental care. If you require emergency care at a dental office in San Diego, we strongly encourage you to give Torrey Hills Dental a call. We not only provide general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry but emergency dentistry as well. Whether you’re a long-time patient of our dental family or have never stepped into our office before, we can help you with your emergency dental situation.

What classifies as a dental emergency?

Many patients will contact our practice and ask if they should make a same-day appointment for their dental needs or if they can come in within the next few days for treatment. Knowing what classifies as a true dental emergency will make it easier to make this determination and decide if you should visit the emergency dentist immediately. Below are a few dental situations that are considered under the umbrella term of “emergency dentistry:”

  • A knocked-out or loose tooth
  • A severe toothache that interrupts sleep and daily activities
  • Bleeding after oral surgery that does not subside
  • A broken, cracked, or lost restoration, including fillings and dental crowns
  • A damaged oral appliance such as a full or partial denture
  • A chipped or cracked tooth from trauma to the mouth

When should I call an emergency dentist?

San Diego, CA area dentists at Torrey Hills Dental, including Drs. James P. Tasto and Brian C. Tasto, encourage patients who need immediate help to call a dental office near you to find out if they should be seen right away. In certain instances, such as a knocked-out tooth, the dentists may also recommend placing the tooth back into the socket or storing it in a liquid such as milk for the trip in. Time is of the essence when trying to put a natural tooth back after it has been lost, so a visit to the dentist must occur as soon as possible to increase the chance of successful replacement. Even if you’re not sure if your situation is considered an “emergency,” our front office team can walk you through your options.

What is the cause of my toothache?

A mild toothache may be the sign of a cavity or an early indication of an infection. Without proper treatment in the earliest stages, the pain can increase, and there are more concerning risk factors that can significantly impact your oral health. As soon as you experience a change like this, you must make an appointment with your dentist to determine the source. A severe toothache can be excruciatingly painful and, in some cases, can make it impossible for patients to sleep or get through the workday. Once a thorough evaluation has been completed, including x-rays, our dental team can determine the source of the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment to relieve the pain and bring the smile back to health.

Do I need a root canal?

Many patients fear the idea of root canal therapy, but often it can address an abscess, infection, or other problems within a tooth. Root canal therapy is done with proper sedation and anesthetics, and in most situations, it is the only way to save a natural tooth from requiring extraction and replacement.

Are you looking for an emergency dentist near you?

Patients of the San Diego, CA area who need immediate dental care can connect with Drs. James P. Tasto and Brian C. Tasto of Torrey Hills Dental to discuss their needs. Patients can reach the office by calling (858) 523-1330 and connecting with our front office team. Our facility is conveniently located at 4765 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite #101 and accepts new patients and families in the community seeking the best in family, cosmetic, and laser dentistry.

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